Friday 26 September 2014

Explain Everything app

This is a link to the developer's webpage for  Explain Everything., This is one of the apps that the geezer (sorry, can't remember the name) who came it to talk to us yesterday was on about. I haven't really explored it yet, thought I'd post this first so I don't forget about it! 

Thursday 25 September 2014

What an amazing technological world we live in!!! (QR codes)

So I have just been researching QR codes, when I say researching I mean that I have just spent less than 5 minutes finding a website that lets you create QR codes that link to pretty much anything for free. You can have a website, a phone number, an email address, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, plain text, and the list goes on, linked to the QR code. I also downloaded a QR code reader from the app store onto my iPhone to check the QR code that I had created and am frankly amazed at how quickly I have managed to create and use something that has been pretty much an enigma to me since I first saw one years ago. Why have I not discovered this sooner, it has so many potential applications.
Anyway, here is my QR code:

But where does it lead??


I have just opened a Pinterest account and it looks like a very useful tool for teaching, you can easily and very quickly gather lots of information and images together on boards which you can either keep private for personal use or make public for access by others.
This is a link to the Pinterest that I have Pinterest

Tuesday 23 September 2014


This is an online mindmapping website, I probably wouldn't use this as I have a mind mapping program on my Mac which I do find helpful to use sometimes. The program that I use can take your mind map and then create a document in Word or Pages for you.

Monday 22 September 2014

This is supposed to be helping me to do my homework, I cannot work in silence. I am "one of those" that has to have background noise to help me get on with my work. It's probably because quiet worries me as I have children and if there's quiet I know something untoward is going down!!!

Microsoft Applications

I have no clue which applications are Microsoft and which are not..... Apart from the fact that I know that Office is a Microsoft product, I would call it a program not an application, this may be because I am old.
I generally use Apple/ Mac applications as I have Apple technology, I do use Office on my computer but I use Pages on my iPhone, I switch between the two so that I can work on a document when I am away from my computer (which is a lot as my children do not allow me to use my own computer).

I have been attempting to use PowerPoint tonight and I have to say that I am not getting on well with it or PowerPoint online or Microsoft online in general. 

Another Blogger Who Is doing It Well

This is part of a task that was to be done by myself and Taran, his part can be found here:!/2014/09/here-is-blogger-that-has-gone.html

This art history blog captures your interest straight away with their layout. It's neat and tidy and well organised and the latest post stands out in a larger format at the top of the screen. Each post has a picture of the painting, or an artwork by the artist, that the post is discussing. As I am new to blogging I have no idea if this is a standard thing or if this is an option that the blogger has chosen, but along the top of the blog is a ribbon (not sure if this is the correct terminology) with optiions for you to change the way you view the blog, ie; classic, flipcard, magazine... I find that this is a useful option for seeing which posts may be most relevant to you.!/2012/11/the-unicorn-tapestries.html

 This captured my attention as I like unicorns and had seen this image before but did not know that it was from a series of tapestries entitled The Hunt Of The Unicorn, these tapestries were created at around 1495-1505.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

This is which is an online chat/forum that you can set up with chosen participants.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Technology that I use in my spare time?
In my house I have all of the technology that you would associate with 4 children, ages 15, 11, 10 and 8. This consists of a LOT of different things but ultimately there are always arguments and competition for who gets to use what and when. Unfortunately for me this means that I don't really get to use any of it and if there is a point in time when it is possible for me to use it this will be at night when the little darlings are all asleep. At this time of the day I am usually too tired from dealing with all of the arguments to have any desire to do anything but listen to music or possibly watch Doctor Who or Adventure Time on my computer. The only sacred technological item that I have is my iPhone which basically runs my life for me, my lack of ability to retain any information or remember anything means that if I lose my phone I lose my life.  
I would prefer to be typing on paper, using a typewriter. This idea of a blog does not appeal to me at all. I'm sure that I will get used to it, I don't really have much choice.
 I would much rather be sending someone a banana postcard.....