Tuesday 16 September 2014

Technology that I use in my spare time?
In my house I have all of the technology that you would associate with 4 children, ages 15, 11, 10 and 8. This consists of a LOT of different things but ultimately there are always arguments and competition for who gets to use what and when. Unfortunately for me this means that I don't really get to use any of it and if there is a point in time when it is possible for me to use it this will be at night when the little darlings are all asleep. At this time of the day I am usually too tired from dealing with all of the arguments to have any desire to do anything but listen to music or possibly watch Doctor Who or Adventure Time on my computer. The only sacred technological item that I have is my iPhone which basically runs my life for me, my lack of ability to retain any information or remember anything means that if I lose my phone I lose my life.  

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